The Sun and The Air

thinking about Mirrors Edge

thinking about how the sequel to one of the tightest, simplest platformers of the 3D era was a story heavy, open-world prequel crammed with side-nonsense and backtracking

thinking about how if they'd just implemented the (good) mechanical improvements and made another 6-hour parkour game, it'd probably be one of my favourite games of all time as Mirrors Edge is already

thinking about how the AAA need to make everything bigger and more complicated and open-world robbed us of what could have been a mainstay modern franchise with like 6 games by now. tight, clearly scoped, fun games

thinking about how the big western developer/publishers so rarely are willing to iterate on an idea naturally, and will simply cram every successful new idea into the existing highest-revenue mould

thinking about how they kill genres before they have a chance to become idioms

#cohost #mirrorsedge #videogames