The Sun and The Air

On moral luck

i know i'm not saying anything revolutionary here, but:

any "progressives" or "leftists" who you can compel into doing the "LGBTQ+ people are degenerate faggot groomers" shtick through framing it in cushy, progressive-sounding language is someone you should just assume has "correct politics" through moral luck and not actual principles. if they had met the wrong person at any point in their life they'd be fascists in Nick Fuentes's stream chat or posting on Kiwifarms—and accordingly you should not trust them with anything sensitive, ever - alyaza birze

"Moral luck" is a great phrase for it.

I've mentioned this before but there are clearly people in the world (some with very prominent platforms) who've just blundered through life with mostly good opinions and so have never had to do any self-reflection on it. I think the last time I said this was about Adam Ragusea.

When these people have a shitty opinion on instinct, they will lean on their decades of being basically right and just assume they're doing nothing wrong - it's not them that doesn't understand the situation, it's you the outsider to their golden instincts.

It feels like to be a genuinely decent leftist, and especially a decent ally to an experience not one's own, it helps massively to have held some moderately shitty views that have been challenged and overcome. Like, not "I used to be a nazi but I got the tattoos turned into flowers and pride flags" shitty, but something meaningfully mean-spirited that you've interrogated and removed from your heart.

I could just feel that way because I was a total asshole as a teenager though.

#cohost #politics