The Sun and The Air

Horizon Forbidden West

I finally got round to finishing Forbidden West this weekend, after dropping off of it for 80% through the main story about 8 months ago.

It's a cool game, but one where it feels like they backed themselves into a corner with the scope - they made a really big map and progress through it really falters.

The opening area (maybe 10% of the map) is packed and took days to get through. The 2nd major zone feels really nicely laid out - I happily chugged through this, doing meaningful exploration and learning without feeling like I was letting the END OF THE WORLD main quest stall out.

But that third major bit, far West of the main base, when you're hunting down the last pieces of the puzzle... there's just so much ground to cover and so little reason to take your time because you need to STOP THE END OF THE WORLD. Which is IN PROGRESS BY THE WAY. That last chunk of the game before the true endgame was a real slog.

The endgame itself is very cool though, honestly wish the game had been more focused on those set-pieces than the vast array of crafting, tiered-gear, and minigames. This game needed 10x more "the crew ride off on a mission" cutscenes.

It's a really cool game and one I have a lot of affection for, but the scope and pacing seem entirely off - it was a 50 hour playthrough of a game I really like with systems I enjoy, and it felt significantly longer.

#cohost #review #videogames