The Sun and The Air

A video I feel I should be above clicking on


I've got nothing directly against Tom, I've watched a couple of his videos and they're very good, I just don't like his style of writing/speaking. No big deal, but enough that I basically decided to skip his videos unless they covered something particularly interesting or important.

But motherfuckers I feel a deep compulsion to click on this video. This seemingly pointless video about a tiny aesthetic trend, that I've already noticed and strongly dislike.

Because why is it an hour long???

Bravo Tom, well played.

Yeah I got weak and watched it


It's decent. It's like 20 minutes too long, he reiterates the same points more than I think was necessary. He also got entirely bodied by a comment raising a much more interesting angle - Tom focuses a ton on the idea that it's a cultural response to overproduced interlopers, but I think it's more about not appearing "out of touch" with their peers, and holding the mic is a simple way to look less professional while also saving yourself some work (and having to figure out what to do with your hands). Being a try-hard is good until you're successful, then it becomes cringe.

Anyway, the comment rules and feels like it gets closer to the point than the whole hour long video.

#cohost #youtube