The Sun and The Air

15 years on and still no successor to Red Faction: Guerilla

genuinely wild to me that nobody took that concept and ran with it

the just cause games superficially ape the aesthetic of destruction and hugely amp-up the mayhem aspect, but there's no room for the careful planning of RF:G

teardown is the most obvious comparison, but it's just on a completely different scale. I don't need full voxel-level destruction, I just want structures that can collapse in a way that my CPU finds taxing

hardspace shipbreaker honestly scratches a similar itch, but it's a shade too controlled and the lack of gravity is a real let down (he he he)

in my view a true successor would be of a similar or greater world scale, with larger and more intricately constructed buildings, and a plot that gave you reason not to simply use a rocket launcher from 100m away. the tools RF:G had were honestly great, I don't know that you'd need to go too far beyond what they offer. further simulated chaos would be great (visions of turning a building into a wrecking-ball swinging from another building...) but not necessary I think.

idk I can't be tripping here, it feels like this should be more doable in 2024 than it was in 2009

#cohost #redfaction #videogames